Monday, April 16, 2012

Rockstars wives

First, I don't wanna hear the "you are jealous" thing because that's a very stupid argument, 2nd, I'm not saying every wife is like this. I'm not gonna say names but some of these women are just bitches and some rockstars are pussy-whipped and just don't see it, there's this one that wrote his wife a great song but she told him she didn't like it because she just likes country, for real bitch? They think they can control their husbands career too, I'm sure you know one like that.

With all this internet thing, Facebook, Twitter, etc, these wives from hell feel the need to make statements about their husbands career and disrespect fans. You know, she is married to a person who has thousands of fans, WHY would she attack a random girl that says the man is 'sexy' or 'hot' or whatever on the internet? It also seems like they're sitting all the day in twitter trying to find a fan to bitch at and controlling their husbands account. I find it really classless that they call people names like "douchebag" or the classic "they're jealous" and just being plain rude without a real reason, I also don't know why they'd take sides in a fan argument and talk shit about a fan with another fans, it's not their business. Attacking loyal fans over the internet, classy, eh?

I really think wives shouldn't involve so much in their husbands career, I have an advice for them, find a job for yourself or sit your ass down and knit a sweater and leave the fans alone, they pay for your internet connection.

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention we pay for their expensive cars and homes.
