Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The cinnamon challenge

I was fooling around one day in the internet and then I saw a hype about this fuckery, so I googled it and it said the cinnamon becomes a mess in your mouth and you can choke and die. Ok, WHY would I swallow a spoonful of cinnamon? what kind of 'challenge' is that? You always end up spitting, coughing and all that, some people have actually ended up in the hospital.

I don't know who came up with this but it's one of the most stupid things I've heard in a while, I can't even... there's nothing appealing or cool about seeing people choking like they're about to die, why would I even upload a video of myself like that in the first place? I really don't understand what people are thinking nowadays... oh, my bad, they aren't.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it is stupid. It's so dry, and to quote USA Today:

    "A high school freshman in Michigan spent four days in a hospital with an infection and a collapsed right lung. The problem is that the cinnamon can get into the lungs and block airways, causing inflammation and infection."

    A little cinnamon sprinkled on cereal or the like is healthy but it only takes a little and should be used on a moist surface. Smoking pot is wiser than this! (I'm not recommending it, just sayin')
