Thursday, April 26, 2012

The poor will be poor and the rich will be rich

In developing countries 1300 million people live below the poverty line, more than 100 million people live in these conditions in industrialized countries and 120 million in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Although the reasons why so many people living in poverty are complex, it is said that the main causes are the inequalities in the distribution of resources, services and power and the inability of many people to access knowledge. Arturo Escobar, in his book "The Invention of the Third World", tells of an unjust international economic system, he argues that the causes of poverty in developing countries must be sought outside the Third World.

Although poor people have fewer opportunities, this does not mean they can not overcome poverty alone, but they refuse that opportunity. The main obstacle to the poor is their mentality, as has been seen many times in society, some people that without any means get to be very successful and wealthy , but their mentality is different from that of those people who are still poor. If I am poor and I am unhappy with my situation it makes sense to do something to try to change it and not wait for other people to help me, but many poor blame their failures and lack of initiative to others and their situation. We often hear "I'm poor, I have no money, the government must help me, injustice is everywhere blablabla." Some clear examples of this are the story "We're very poor" by Juan Rulfo, which shows how a family blames the poverty of their misfortunes, and the book of Emile Zola's The Tavern, where a woman is about to get of poverty twice but her thinking stops her.

Japan is the third world economy, but only 20% of its land is arable, has no natural resources and is often hit by hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes. In Latin America people live in countries rich in resources and fertile soils, but they managed to be poor and blame the United States and capitalism. This seems to fit what T. Harv Eker said "Rich people focus on opportunities, poor people focus on obstacles". That is why most of the time people stay rich richer and the poor stay poor, the rich people are optimistic, if they want something they look for ways to have it and constantly learn and grow, poor people are pessimistic and the thought "No, I can't do" often leads to failure because they do not believe in themselves.

Another problem is the hatred between classes. It is very common to hear "the rich rob the poor" or "to be rich you have to be false" and that's another difference between rich and poor, rich people admire other rich and successful, the poor are resent the success of the rich. Robert Kiyosaki said the poor father will teach your child to be rich is to be born rich and wealthy father will teach his son to be rich or poor is something you can learn, have often seen cases of people born a poor family and manage to become very rich.

Finally, it boils down to the rich think "I do my life" and the poor think "This is the life I had to live." Poverty is a massive problem worldwide, whether it is important that governments support the poor, is an impossible situation to resolve if poor people do not help themselves. This leads many people to wonder if social inequality is the fault of the system or is it really is a personal responsibility.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Coffee was never so annoying

Aerosmith's Joey Kramer has a new coffee line and it's perfectly fine to me, many rockstars have done things like that, Joe Perry even has his own hot sauce. So, Joey's in his right to do whatever he feels and I wish him best of lucks with this business but I hope I don't ever have to hear a shit about this damn coffee again, I'm jaded.

You know, everyone wants their business to go well but everything has a limit. Joey and his wife have been abusing the hell out of twitter since that coffee came out, they tweet the whole fucking day about that (nevermind people in my timeline retweeting about that!) and then come these ass-kissers and send 9584736743 tweets saying how great it is blablabla and tag them just for them to see it and RT it. Seriously, good for you man but chill, I'm fucking sick of this coffee spam all over the place, that's the only thing he has talked about in weeks I think, he hasn't said anything about music since then and if he did, it probably got lost in the coffee shit and the bling (that's another story).

I'm sorry but I had to unfollow the Kramer's, they're going too far with this coffee thing and it's beyond annoying, like really, take it easy, I'm not following you to be reminded 24/7 how great your stupid coffee is, I don't even like coffee anyway.

Friday, April 20, 2012

I saw Paul McCartney last night and...

It was fucking awesome, so, so good, I'm still in shock, I can't believe what I saw, it's lifechanging. You know, this guy comes, he's almost 70, plays 38 songs and puts out a show better than everyone younger outthere, he sings great, plays the piano, guitar, bass guitar and everyother chord instrument you can name but then comes these stupid hoes and say Nicki Minaj is the best musician, that autotuned shit... People piss me off, someone asked on twitter "Do you think Paul McCartney is gonna sold out?" and this idiot said "I don't think so, just old people is going, I guess" so clueless! Can you tell? I don't understand how the music has degenerated so much, I always say this but I think something went wrong in the evolution process and we started to go backwards... I'm still waiting for Stephen Hawking to write about that.

Anyway, going back to the concert, I don't have anything bad to say about it, it was flawless if you ask me, he played every song I was waiting to hear and he even played "Hope of Deliverance" for the first time in 19 years! The only thing I can complain about is the woman behind me, heck, we are 2600 meters high (that is 8000 ft) and this woman said the whole time "He's so tired!" with her annoying voice, she said that since the 2nd song to the fucking 38! and I have no fucking idea what she was talking about because Paul was doing allright IMHO, I wanted to tell her to STFU but I didn't want to be mean.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Rockstars wives

First, I don't wanna hear the "you are jealous" thing because that's a very stupid argument, 2nd, I'm not saying every wife is like this. I'm not gonna say names but some of these women are just bitches and some rockstars are pussy-whipped and just don't see it, there's this one that wrote his wife a great song but she told him she didn't like it because she just likes country, for real bitch? They think they can control their husbands career too, I'm sure you know one like that.

With all this internet thing, Facebook, Twitter, etc, these wives from hell feel the need to make statements about their husbands career and disrespect fans. You know, she is married to a person who has thousands of fans, WHY would she attack a random girl that says the man is 'sexy' or 'hot' or whatever on the internet? It also seems like they're sitting all the day in twitter trying to find a fan to bitch at and controlling their husbands account. I find it really classless that they call people names like "douchebag" or the classic "they're jealous" and just being plain rude without a real reason, I also don't know why they'd take sides in a fan argument and talk shit about a fan with another fans, it's not their business. Attacking loyal fans over the internet, classy, eh?

I really think wives shouldn't involve so much in their husbands career, I have an advice for them, find a job for yourself or sit your ass down and knit a sweater and leave the fans alone, they pay for your internet connection.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Jersey Shore

There's a lot of crap in TV but there's nothing that annoys the hell out of me more than Jersey Shore, this 'reality' makes me feel like I could catch an STD through the TV, oh and stupidity too. These people are a bunch of crackheads and whores that are being paid for party and being stupid, I can't belive people actually think that shit is funny, go watch The Big Bang Theory or something.

Ok, some people find it funny and then there're the Jersey Shore fanboys, the other day I said Snooki was a slut and someone was upset and told me to 'Respect the poor girl, she isn't', uhm, sorry, she is, the whole world knows it. Snooki is the most scandalous person in that show, this woman... I don't even know what to say about Snooki, as if  t wasn't enough, she's also the most stupid in that show and man, that says a lot. BTW, I almost forgot it, she's pregnant and her baby is expected to be born on December 23... the Mayans knew.

The cast get $100.000 per episode, that is SO insulting to REAL tv celebrities and people in that general that actually work, these alcoholics are getting rich because they're stupid. I hope this shit gets cancelled but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon because people actually watch it and it has one of the highest ratings on TV, which is very sad.

Reality shows about wives

I don't know if you noticed but since 2011 there have been tons of this shitty shows about attention whore women, who are married to men more successful and rich men than theya re. There are "Baseball wives", "Basketball wives", "Hip-hop wives", "The real housewives of New York", "The real housewives of New Jersey", there's one of those shows for each state! There's even a "Real housewives Israel".

If you don't know what this is about, I'm gonna tell you what's going on, the show starts and there's this group of wives and someone is talking about another woman, then somehow, she got there and she yells and they fight and blablablam that's all. I don't know why people watch this, what is attractive about a group of women fighting? I don't understand how these women have the nerve to go on TV have no class at all, yelling, pulling each other hairs and simply being a bitch. Then they sit there yelling like crazy at their husbands for no good reason, like, don't you realize you are irrelevant without him? They're always saying stuff like "I'm an independent", "I want to make a name for myself", let me see... NO, you are just a wife, look at the names of these stupid ass shows, people know you because you are a WIFE, so calm the fuck down. There's one of these bitches that runaway with Journey's guitarplayer... now she's Neal Schon's WIFE, see?

There's no need of having 20 different shows with 20 different group of wives fighting, I mean, really? I remember when TV had good shows, now it's full of crap like this and Jersery Shore.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Axl Rose & the Hall of Fame

Yesterday Axl Rose announced he won't be attending the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame ceremony and he declined to be inducted. All this thing is wrong since the beginning, they shouldn't be inducted in the first place, at least not now, maybe in a few years, Guns n' Roses is getting inducted to the Hall of Fame because of ONE album + Novemeber Rain, not saying the other albums suck but this is what it is, on the other hand Beastie Boys is getting inducted too, so I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

Now, let's start my real rant, Axl Rose is an ungrateful asshole. Some HoF haters may say "He gave the finger to the hall" "That's rock n' roll" and all that crap but get real, he's not doing this because he hates the hall, he's a selfish idiot and he gave the finger to the fans. I didn't *really* think they were gonna perform together but it'd be nice to see them together one more time, yes, I realized it'd be kinda awkward but the fans deserve it.

- "misguided attempts to distract from our efforts with our current lineup of myself"

What a joke! how does he even fucking DARE to call his current band Guns n' Roses? oh, here come the Axl's fanboys "They are a great band blablabla", well, I don't care, I know they're good musicians but they're not Guns n' Roses.

I'm really hoping to see a Steven Adler's response letter and btw, the Hall of Fame basically said "We don't care, you are getting inducted anyway", so all he did with that letter was prove that he's a mental motherfucker.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The cinnamon challenge

I was fooling around one day in the internet and then I saw a hype about this fuckery, so I googled it and it said the cinnamon becomes a mess in your mouth and you can choke and die. Ok, WHY would I swallow a spoonful of cinnamon? what kind of 'challenge' is that? You always end up spitting, coughing and all that, some people have actually ended up in the hospital.

I don't know who came up with this but it's one of the most stupid things I've heard in a while, I can't even... there's nothing appealing or cool about seeing people choking like they're about to die, why would I even upload a video of myself like that in the first place? I really don't understand what people are thinking nowadays... oh, my bad, they aren't.


Ok, this really bothers me because now suddently, out of nowhere, everybody is getting wet over Instagram and it's just another stupid trend, the new bitch of the block. Now Facebook bought it for 1 billion dollars, which is a desperate attempt to save FB, this app it's not worth even the 3rd part of that.

I don't understand what's the big deal with that, if you want to share your photos with your friends use Facebook, if you want to share cool photos use Tumblr, there's also Twitpic. Oh, what you said? you can edit photos? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND GET A REAL PHOTO EDITOR.


Hello, my name is Sue and I like to rant haha It's just my opínion, I really don't mean to be rude of offend anybody. Well, that's all :P