Saturday, May 5, 2012

Is this the death of music or what?!

There's a lot of crappy music out there, basically, most of the mainstream is shit but it seems like lately every dumbass can make a video and become famous, god knows I can't sing but even I could have 48328342 views on YT.

I don't know if you noticed but the last year (I think ¿?) this 13 y/o called Rebecca Black made this video called "Friday", it was the worst thing ever (and that says a lot), everybody hated it but she was everywhere, she even was at the awards show because she was an "Internet revolution" or some shit like that, WTF?. In case you don't know what that was about... I don't even know where to start, the lyrics are just DUUUUUUUUUMB, the video starts and this gitl is singing about how she just woke up and that she's gonna eat cereal, then she goes out and her  friends go to pick her up (No idea why 13 y/o kids are driving) the front sits are full and there's only one place in the back seat but still she 'sings'  "Gotta make my mind up, which seat can I take?" Then at night they go party and suddently this 35 y/o man comes up and start rapping non-sense, why is he partying with kids anyway? Oh, it's necessary to mention these lyrics:

"Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday  
Today i-is Friday, Friday
 Tomorrow is Saturday  
And Sunday comes after ... wards"

Wow, really? I'll post the video in case you want to see it by yourself lol


Did you think it was over? Tonight I saw a video that actually made me miss Rebecca Black, "Hot Problems" by this couple of sluts called "Double Take", they're just standing there the whole video but it's oh so bad, bad, bad, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. They are so bad that autotune can't help them and the lyrics... look at the title "Hot Problems", these fucking bitches basically just say they are soooo hot but they also have problems like... I have to post some of the lyrics to explain this.

"Please don’t get me wrong
I know that I’m hot
Textbook perfection really takes a lot"

"I’ve got the look
I’ve got the butt
But those things don’t make me a *slut* "

"We’re just like you, except we’re hot
The world needs to open their eyes
And realize
We’re not perfect"

-__- Well, that doesn't make you a slut but you sure are one! And then, at the end, these annoying bitches have the nerve to say:

"Just kidding
We’re perfect"

Oh, if I just had a machine gun...

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